She was talking about Hindrances in our walk with God. Jesus didn't die so we could have our own religion but so that we can have a personal relationship with God, the Holy Spirit and others. We spend to much time trying to use Gods word to our benefit and not see it for what it really stands for. The more time we spend with God and in His word the more the devil becomes afraid of us. Just being there on Sunday and a few prayers during the week don't cut it.
Distractions get in our way of our relationship with God. The hard reality is that we are responsible for the time we are given, so we are our biggest hindrance! Work can get in the way. We can't be like Martha who chose to work while Jesus was visiting. Joyce made a huge point! Go by a junk yard and see the decay in the metal pile. Someone at one time worked and worked and worked for that item and thy couldn't take it with them. Everything we have is already starting to decay!
We have to constantly be evaluating our priorities. When our motives are in order, the more powerful we become. We should have time for Work, Worship, Play, and Rest. We have to be balanced. What is 30 minutes out of a 24 hour day for prayer, reading, and conversation with God? There are so many distractions. With the Internet, email, Facebook, twitter, etc. turn the phone off and just be for a few hours. If you are constantly grumpy because you aren't resting no one wants to be around you.
The demands of people is also a distraction! Bein a people pleaser can steal intimacy with God. People want a lot of things from us but the problem is they aren't considering what will be good for us but what will be good for them. People are selfish, not on purpose but they just are.
Most of the time you can't fulfill the call that God has over your life because of the noise are you. The distractions, lack of focus, lack of discipline, willingness to say no. Sometimes losing a few friends is what you need to do so you can gain REAL friends who will help you and direct you on the right path!