Wednesday, June 26, 2013


This morning I was listening to Joyce Meyers and she has so many good things she said. 

She was talking about Hindrances in our walk with God. Jesus didn't die so we could have our own religion but so that we can have a personal relationship with God, the Holy Spirit and others. We spend to much time trying to use Gods word to our benefit and not see it for what it really stands for. The more time we spend with God and in His word the more the devil becomes afraid of us. Just being there on Sunday and a few prayers during the week don't cut it. 

Distractions get in our way of our relationship with God. The hard reality is that we are responsible for the time we are given, so we are our biggest hindrance! Work can get in the way. We can't be like Martha who chose to work while Jesus was visiting. Joyce made a huge point! Go by a junk yard and see the decay in the metal pile. Someone at one time worked and worked and worked for that item and thy couldn't take it with them. Everything we have is already starting to decay! 

We have to constantly be evaluating our priorities. When our motives are in order, the more powerful we become. We should have time for Work, Worship, Play, and Rest. We have to be balanced. What is 30 minutes out of a 24 hour day for prayer, reading, and conversation with God? There are so many distractions. With the Internet, email, Facebook, twitter, etc. turn the phone off and just be for a few hours. If you are constantly grumpy because you aren't resting no one wants to be around you. 

The demands of people is also a distraction! Bein a people pleaser can steal intimacy with God. People want a lot of things from us but the problem is they aren't considering what will be good for us but what will be good for them. People are selfish, not on purpose but they just are. 

Most of the time you can't fulfill the call that God has over your life because of the noise are you. The distractions, lack of focus, lack of discipline, willingness to say no. Sometimes losing a few friends is what you need to do so you can gain REAL friends who will help you and direct you on the right path!

Monday, June 24, 2013


I'm sitting outside with the kids while they swim in the pool. While I was getting them sprayed down with sun screen I was talking with Callie. She was telling me how much she loved to swim and how much she loved water.

Her story is amazing in itself. Someday I might explain why she is such a fighter and her parents faith builds my own daily.   But let me explain her beauty. Not only is she an adorable in ever aspect of the word but she has 2 things about her that stand out to me the most. 

Her voice. She has the most beautiful voice. I've worked with Callie for almost 3 years and heard her before and after her surgery. Before it was hard to hear her and she was very quiet. Now she is full throttle wide open and loud. I even have to tell her to be quiet. Which I love!!!! 

Her trach scar! Seeing her neck without the trach is amazing. Putting her sunscreen on makes me tear up every time. Her strength, ability to adapt, to take people making jokes about her, her determination. 

What I'm getting at is the things that she might see as a negative about herself are the most beautiful. Whatever you see as negative about yourself God sees as beautiful. Those things you are so worried about. Your hair, your acne, your pale completion, how tall you are, how different your body type is, everything. Those things are beautiful to someone. 

Every detail about you was hand painted by God and he loves that about you. If you were a painter and you painted this picture that was BEAUTIFUL to you and someone wanted I change the colors because they didn't like it, how would you feel? So why do we spend so much time and money into changing the details of our body? 

Contemplate that. God took time on you because you are irreplaceable. You are beautiful even when you don't feel like it.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Be who God made you to be. Don't fit "the mold"

Today on my way home I called my mom, as usual. I was talking to her and trying to explain a few things I just didn't understand and things that have been bothering me for a few years now. She reminded me of a story which later triggered a memory in me.

I feel like more and more these days people are pressured to fit this specific mold. May it be as a teacher, a Christian, mother, surgeon, anything. I can grasp being held to a standard. You wouldn't want to go to meet your surgeon and him being hungover from the rad party he crashed the night before. You have a certain level of expectation for that profession. However, people are setting their standards TOO high and not accepting the package deal.

At any rate, my story. When I was about 14 my church at the time was getting ready to gain a new youth pastor. In our church, since it was a paid position, we held interviews with 4 of our most trusted elders and 4 teenagers. Believe me when I say I had never felt so much of an honor than at that moment to be chosen as one of the 4. I remember the adults asking questions then we got to start. I started firing away. I had always been more of the verbal one in the group so I went at them like a hound dog on a cheeseburger.

One of the adults, whom I highly respected, told my mother that he was impressed by my level of boldness and strength in my relationship with Christ. Recently I have forgotten my boldness! A great friend of mine told me that he enjoyed speaking with me because I didn't waver in my convictions. 

Then I was reminder that during youth one night my wonderful youth pastor was explaining about living outside of the box and being content in the person I was. I remember standing outside of a masking tape square and telling myself that I wasn't to conform to the ways of the world.

Living the Christian life has never been easy. I've lost many friends, a best friend if 15 years, and been placed on a target for judgement. People look at you and wait for you to fail so they can point and laugh!!! So as I was having dinner this evening I realized something. im not supposed to conform to this world but the ways that people think I should be living as well!

I am who I am and God made me to be me. I am out of the ordinary, gut busting hilarious, filled with joy, passionate, driven, gifted, and bold. I have forgotten lots of things about myself until an old friend saw me for the first time in 10 years and the first thing that was said was, "are you still singing and acting?" When I said no he was in shock and said, well you should be because you should never hide that gift!!

I guess this is a warning of sorts. I'm gonna start being bold, speaking up, and living the life with the Deborah calling that I was given!! And please be encouraged to remember who YOU are in Christ and rekindle that.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Changing what you don't like about yourself.

Well, there is this beautiful little girl I know who has trouble reading. Her mother and myself have decided that this summer we are gonna teach her to read, along with maintaining their summer reading challenge of 50 books!! As we came to this conclusion I realized how much I despise reading. 

I've always had a hatred for reading unless it was fear street by R.L. Stine. I'm a little to old for that now. However, I know how much it bothers myself that I don't like reading. So, along with little miss, this summer I too shall be doing a reading challenge. 

I took a brave step and decided to go to college and I know that reading is going to be HUGE!! I've made the decision to read, read, read. I don't want the kids to think that hating reading is okay. You gain knowledge and become smarter the more you read. Also learning the characteristics of God trough reading his word. 

I'm going to ambitiously attack 13-15 books with my favorite one having over 1,000 pages!! Last time I read it was High School. 

My point is this, if you don't like something about yourself, change it. Stop saying, oh I wish I was thinner or I wish I wasn't so anti social. DO SOMETHING!!!! Warning, don't change for someone else, do it for yourself. There is no shame in changing for yourself. Not to impress someone, keep someone in your life, but for you!!!! 

You are a beautiful creation that deserves to feel like you are the best you that you can be!! Pick one small thing and try it! Not only am I reading daily but I'm eating better, exercising, doing daily chores, keeping a house clean, maintaining my marriage, working, and enjoying God to the fullest extent. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day they way you use them is up to you!!!!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Selfish fleshly vs Sacrificial fulfillment

Recently something has been heavy on my heart. Okay 2 days, but that's enough. Love. True love. I honestly can't stand hearing the phrase, "I'm in love." Mainly because most people don't even understand the fullness of love. 

Love, as we all know it from 1 Corinthians, talks about the characteristics of love. I'm gonna throw a curve ball from something God showed me this evening. Genesis 2 talks about God making a helper for Adam in the garden. I think marriages should be that way for both parties. 

In a relationship there is a lot of give and take. Sometimes more give than take. Let me explain with an example, I was in a relationship with a guy who I wanted to see every weekend. This guy happened to live in Fredericksburg. I would spend every other weekend up there with him, however I had to provide myself with somewhere to stay. I would spend 4+ hours on the road, over 200 in hotel food and gas, and have to have him home by 8, and could never call his house. There were so many limitations and restrictions on our relationship. But I felt it was worth the time. I was in a very fleshly selfish relationship. 

I would give and give and never see anything in return. It's not about having to have something in return, it's about them wanting to do that because of how they feel for you. Selfish people are very inward, controlling, they can call you at the drop of a hat and know that you would answer or be at there house in a instant if they asked. Regardless of what you think or feel where you are, that is NOT love. And it's not Godly.

Sacrificial love is the most amazing thing EVER! It's a partnership of decisions, wanting the other to achieve their goals, wanting them to move forward in there life with Gods will. For God so loved the word that he gave his only son. Sacrifice, that's real love. Changing things about yourself for the other person because something you do bothers them. 

I wish people would learn to walk in Gods anointing for their life and allow him to bring that perfect person into their life. It would cause less heartache and pain. God wants you to be happy and full of life. Succeeding in all the things he has planned. The perfect spouse would enhance your relationship with Christ not hinder it. The perfect boyfriend would push you to run for God as he runs for him too.

Everyone deserves a sacrificial fulfilling love in their life. Everyone should feel like they are filled when they are in a relationship not drained from fighting. Walk in Gods path and not your own fleshly desires. God knows what is best and what is right for you and wants to be able to see you succeed!!! He created someone for YOU to enhance the God size dream you have. 

I DARE you to walk in what you feel you are called to do and see what happens. Who God puts in your path, or who he takes out. The choice is yours and yours alone. But Gods path is MUCH easier traveled if you do it correctly the first time.