Thursday, May 9, 2013

Rock bottom bounce back

This past week I haven't posted a blog because I was faced with a very interesting lesson. This week has been stressful because my husband and I are trying to close on our first home. It's been extremely stressful but worth it in the end.

God has been teaching me so much over this week though. Saturday when Justin and I were getting breakfast I saw an old "friends" vehicle in the parking lot. I have bad blood with this person and didn't want to be confronted so we went through the drivethru and went about our way. Hours later, the vehicle was still there. I wondered to myself if they got a job there. 

This person had made a huge life decision a few months prior to follow their dreams and goals in life. Everything back fired and all was lost. I have felt every emotion with the situation. I was happy for them to follow their dreams however wondered if it was Gods will or their own.

Now they were at a rock bottom. It was heartbreaking. No one who knows God should ever have to hit that place. But after a long week of listening and prayer, I've realized that sometimes we how to hit that hard rocky bottom to be able to climb the ladder back up. No matter where we stand with God sometimes we have to hit that hard place to know what's really gong on.

So in all situations or circumstances. God know what he's doing and you can trust him with you life!!!!!!!!

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