Saturday, May 25, 2013

3 year goal accomplished

I know many people have New Years resolutions they make and usually don't keep them past June. Every year with the church I attend we make a year plan.

I take these sections family, education, physical, spiritual, marriage, and self and make 5 goals for each.

Over the years I have seen goal after goal reached and achieved. Praying for my sister in law, dad, my own stability, and other personal goals being reached. Non as big as this one.

August 2010 Justin and I got married. About 6 months later we found out his credit was crap. Since then Justin and I have been paying little by little to accomplish raising his credit score. Just a few months ago we walked into the house we are now living in. In Gods timing we have found the perfect home.

How much work has been put into this home is insane. Thankfully my brother in laws helped tremendously. And mom for painting. We are sleeping back in our bed, together. (We have been sleeping on couches for about 2 months now) 

God had a perfect plan despite what we thought was a perfect plan. We waited on His timing and everything worked out better than we could have ever imagined!!!

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