Friday, May 31, 2013

Second glance

We were made in His image but we all look different. I thought about reflections yesterday and what it looked like to mirror Christ. I went through examples in the bible of people. Adam and Eve committed the first sin. Noah, despite his huge trust and faithfulness towards God, was a drunkard. On and on the stories go.

I quickly realized that God not only sent Jesus as a sacrifice to the world but he is the best example of what God looks like. Jesus never sinned, he was a perfect spotless lamb. We all carry those characteristics inside of us.

Joyce Meyers once said that we don't have to pray for more patience, joy, or faithfulness. Those things are already planted in us we just have to tap into them more. I totally agree. We are imperfect people living in a world that watches our every move like we are a celebrity! Not because we are famous but because they want to watch us fail.

Now when the bible talks about reflecting Christ. We are supposed to imitate his character. I could sit here and write a huge list about Jesus's character but I won't. The only way we are able to reflect him more is to get to know him.

Example, when you have a best friend you two start acting alike. Most of the time we don't even notice it, but it does happen. That's why the bible warns us about bad company corrupting good character. The only way to fully know and understand Jesus's character is to read about him and talk to him.

To be Christlike we must have a relationship with Christ. Not this Sunday Wednesday crap people do. Going to church and calling yourself a Christian is like getting in the shower and just turning the water on. You have to apply it to your daily life! It's work!!!!! 

So, when you look into the mirror what do you see? 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Shall we only accept good and not trouble?

So, I am getting my oil changed and decided to read my bible for a while. Maybe some Noah to help my awesome wonderful right side of my brain with lessons for the kids, when I come across a mind blower!!!

He replied, "you are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" Job 2:10 

A lot of people look to God in troubled times and not all the time. Job knew that it was a test and he was willing to take the plunge and trust in God for all things. 

So many times in life we see things starting to go bad and freak out and scream, WHY IS THIS HAPPENIN TO ME GOD?!? When we should possibly change our words to say, God what do I need to be learning from this situation. 

Of course it's not ever easy because sometimes situations are so bad that we can't even begin to see a positive side. We just have to have a little trust (and pixie dust... Ugh stupid disney channel) 

Going back to Job. He knew that through good and bad he would accept it and cling to God. In the end that's all we can do sometimes. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

3 year goal accomplished

I know many people have New Years resolutions they make and usually don't keep them past June. Every year with the church I attend we make a year plan.

I take these sections family, education, physical, spiritual, marriage, and self and make 5 goals for each.

Over the years I have seen goal after goal reached and achieved. Praying for my sister in law, dad, my own stability, and other personal goals being reached. Non as big as this one.

August 2010 Justin and I got married. About 6 months later we found out his credit was crap. Since then Justin and I have been paying little by little to accomplish raising his credit score. Just a few months ago we walked into the house we are now living in. In Gods timing we have found the perfect home.

How much work has been put into this home is insane. Thankfully my brother in laws helped tremendously. And mom for painting. We are sleeping back in our bed, together. (We have been sleeping on couches for about 2 months now) 

God had a perfect plan despite what we thought was a perfect plan. We waited on His timing and everything worked out better than we could have ever imagined!!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Rock bottom bounce back

This past week I haven't posted a blog because I was faced with a very interesting lesson. This week has been stressful because my husband and I are trying to close on our first home. It's been extremely stressful but worth it in the end.

God has been teaching me so much over this week though. Saturday when Justin and I were getting breakfast I saw an old "friends" vehicle in the parking lot. I have bad blood with this person and didn't want to be confronted so we went through the drivethru and went about our way. Hours later, the vehicle was still there. I wondered to myself if they got a job there. 

This person had made a huge life decision a few months prior to follow their dreams and goals in life. Everything back fired and all was lost. I have felt every emotion with the situation. I was happy for them to follow their dreams however wondered if it was Gods will or their own.

Now they were at a rock bottom. It was heartbreaking. No one who knows God should ever have to hit that place. But after a long week of listening and prayer, I've realized that sometimes we how to hit that hard rocky bottom to be able to climb the ladder back up. No matter where we stand with God sometimes we have to hit that hard place to know what's really gong on.

So in all situations or circumstances. God know what he's doing and you can trust him with you life!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The black light effect!!!

Recently my boss and myself have been looking at VBS material and God showed me something pretty awesome. The dancers were having moments of going between normal lighting and black lights. I, personally, am a HUGE fan of black lights, neon colors, strobe lights, disco balls and on and on!!!!!

If you've never experiences a black light, I will attempt to explain it. A black light is actually purple florescent bulb and when it is turned on certain colors glow brightly. They are used at clubs sometimes and at cosmic bowling :) It's a surprise what colors pop more than others. It depends on material of a shirt and a color. And EVERYONE has perfect white teeth.

Many many many people have insecurities in the way they look. Most people you wouldn't think that would have it still do. With all the "in your face" media it's difficult not to if you aren't a size 4 or under walking in a 6 inch heel. God always sees us for who we are on the inside. God sees our heart! It's like a black light. You don't know who is gonna glow the brightest until the lights are turned on.

Black light is like God vision!!! He sees our Spirit inside burning and radiating His love! Everyone glows differently in different seasons of their life. It's important that out glow doesn't go away! If we as a human race could grasp that the black light effect is more important than the world vision it would be amazing.

Example of this in action. I used to be able to see a friend of mine before church then after as well. He would notice a change in me. He said it was like I was radiating love and warmth. Being around those who are glowing brightly rub off on us. Spending time with God makes us glow a little brighter.

Think about how much you would want to glow under the black light. God sees it constantly and is always looking at our inside. He loves to see his children's light shine! Although we don't live under a purple sun and can't see what God sees, that doesn't mean we don't know how our Spirit feels. :)