I quickly realized that God not only sent Jesus as a sacrifice to the world but he is the best example of what God looks like. Jesus never sinned, he was a perfect spotless lamb. We all carry those characteristics inside of us.
Joyce Meyers once said that we don't have to pray for more patience, joy, or faithfulness. Those things are already planted in us we just have to tap into them more. I totally agree. We are imperfect people living in a world that watches our every move like we are a celebrity! Not because we are famous but because they want to watch us fail.
Now when the bible talks about reflecting Christ. We are supposed to imitate his character. I could sit here and write a huge list about Jesus's character but I won't. The only way we are able to reflect him more is to get to know him.
Example, when you have a best friend you two start acting alike. Most of the time we don't even notice it, but it does happen. That's why the bible warns us about bad company corrupting good character. The only way to fully know and understand Jesus's character is to read about him and talk to him.
To be Christlike we must have a relationship with Christ. Not this Sunday Wednesday crap people do. Going to church and calling yourself a Christian is like getting in the shower and just turning the water on. You have to apply it to your daily life! It's work!!!!!
So, when you look into the mirror what do you see?